Healthy Lifestyle Recommended for Men


A healthy and fit body is an essential asset to achieve all the things you want in life. A healthy body means we are free from obesity, hypertension, mental disorders, and so forth.

A healthy body needs effort and it must be a part of everyday life. Here is a suggested lifestyle for men to achieve the best conditions.


1. Choose the right vitamin



Do not carelessly buy a vitamin daily without knowing the health problems dimimliki. Professor at the University of Alabama's medical school, Willian Curry, says for the average person, no proven multivitamins can improve health or avoid disease.

"There is no proven multivitamin benefit unless someone has vitamin deficiency or specific conditions, but the doses of various A, B, C, D and E vitamins in a standard multivitamin product are usually within a safe range," Curry said.

Multivitamins are recommended by those who have impaired absorption in the gut, alcoholism, or have had major surgery. Those who are on a strict diet or vegetarian should also take a multivitamin.

Curry added, antioxidants including vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C And E is most recommended. But the benefits are not to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Wise is to take multivitamin products, because if excessive is also bad. For example vitamin A with high doses can have an impact on vision. Curry also warns consuming vitamin E as much as 400 units per day or more can be fatal, especially if it interacts with blood thinners.


2. Move to heart and brain health


Routine physical activity is strongly recommended to maintain healthy cardiovascular and brain systems. Exercise helps keep blood pressure normal, preventing type-2 diabetes, which can actually help live longer.

Not a few studies that conclude men with regular exercise can produce a healthy ejaculation than those who do not. Recommended exercise intensity is moderate such as fast walking, jogging, or weight training, at least 30 minutes per day.

The combination of endurance and strength training with aerobics is ideal for heart and brain health.


3. Say goodbye to tobacco


Quitting smoking is not easy, but the habit can have a positive impact on sexual ability, heart and lungs. In fact, avoid death from heart and cancer.

"Tobacco is the main cause of damage to the blood vessels that penetrate the penis. If blood vessels to the penis are damaged, erectile dysfunction may occur, "says J. Patrick Selph, MD, urologist.

Smokers also usually have fewer sperm counts affecting fertility. The side effects are worse in moderate or severe smokers.

"I always tell my male patients, heart health is penile health," Selph said.

Studies show men who have ejaculatory dysfunction are at risk of having cardiovascular problems within five years


4. Be careful with what you drink



About 11 percent of men will be exposed to kidney stones in their lives. One of the triggers is dehydration so urine is concentrated.

"The more liquids consumed, the less likely you are to get kidney stones, but it is important to consume the right fluids," says Dean Assimos, MD, a doctor of urology.

Asimos recommends drinking 10 to 12 ounces of water every few hours during the day. If you exercise or sweat, drink more because of fluid loss faster. Sweet drinks like soda should be avoided because carbonation causes calcium to be pulled from the bone to trigger osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Studies have shown a correlation between drinks with high fructose and kidney stones, as well as the relationship between obesity and kidney stones.


5. Eat more fruits and vegetables



The most important thing is to eat healthy foods. Heart health, blood fat and hormone levels are associated with proper dietary intake, including the recommended daily fruits and vegetables.

Limit your salt and sugar intake, including simple carbohydrates. Adopt a healthy diet as early as possible so that you are accustomed to eating nutritious foods and needed the body.


6. Protect the skin


 Human skin is the largest organ, providing protection to the muscles, bones, ligaments and organs. Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight directly destroys skin DNA in susceptible people. Over time, this damage can accumulate, causing the formation of cancer cells, which grow into tumors.

It is important to pay attention to skin conditions, including changes that can be early symptoms of skin cancer. "The most important aspect of protecting your skin is to avoid exposure to UV radiation from sunlight.

Blake Phillips, dermatologist recommends using sunscreens with an SPF value of 30 or higher daily into areas exposed to ultraviolet rays. Wear protective clothing and wide-brimmed hat with sunglasses while long in the sun.

Avoid peak sun hours from 10 am to 5 pm, and do outdoor activities in the morning or evening.


7. Know family health history


In addition to skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. Regular blood tests can measure a biomarker called prostate-specific antigen or PSA to identify the risk of male prostate cancer, complemented by digital rectal examination.

No less important is to know the history of prostate cancer family. Some men are at high risk for prostate cancer based on family history


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